FAQ - How to create a swapfile

FAQ - How to create a swapfile

To ensure a stable behavior on a Raspberry Pi it is recommended to set a swapfile with 2048 MB to buffer memory usage peaks. Running out of RAM without having a swapfile in place will crash the Wallet and could corrupt your copy of the Blockchain.

To create a swapfile on your Raspberry Pi you can use the following commands:

Make sure to back-up your wallet first: How-to

  1. Close the Wallet completely

  2. sudo su -c 'echo "CONF_SWAPSIZE=2048" > /etc/dphys-swapfile'

  3. sudo dphys-swapfile setup

After creating the swapfile, you have to activate it once by using this command:

3) sudo dphys-swapfile swapon

Now your Raspberry PI has enough SWAP in place if its needed, and will not go down because of RAM overload.

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